Mmmm… Garlic Bacon Cheese Burgers
So I guess tonight was an "off" night as far as the ol' diet is concerned. But man, it was gooood. Thanks to the other Shauna for answering all my microwave bacon questions. I wish I could give you a burger, but instead I'll just post this picture. It's almost as good, right??
Food porn!
For me? Aww…
That thing is bigger than my head, and I have a really big head. I’m scared.
It was a little difficult to eat, I’ll be honest. It was a monster burger. But I intend to repeat the process tonight. We have leftovers.
Leftovers?? Sweet. Kim and I are on our way.
Will you post your recipe, or do you require pay pal transactions first?
Indeed. Make with the recipe.
Yeah, give us the lowdown of how you made that food porn.
Guess what I had for dinner tonight, suckas!